Professional Presentations (partial list)
AI in Legal Practice- Practical Applications and Interactive Demonstrations, Nebraska State Bar Association Annual Meeting, 2024
The Civil Rights Challenges Posed by Algorithmic Bias, Nebraska State Bar Association Annual Meeting, 2024
AI, Ethics, and the Practice of Law, Nebraska Paralegal Association, Fall Seminar, 2024
AI and Tech, Nebraska State Bar Association, Appellate Section, 2024
Presenting at the NSBA’s Labor Relations and Employment Seminar.
AI, Ethics, and the Practice of Law, Nebraska State Bar Association, 2024
Discussing AI and Tech Issues at the Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference.
Emerging Bankruptcy Issues; AI as a Tool for Lawyers, Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference, 2024
Algorithmic Bias and Employment Law, Eighth Circuit NELA Conference, 2024.
AI as a New Tool, Spring Meeting, American Bankruptcy Institute, 2024.
AI and the Law, Midwestern Bankruptcy Institute, 2023.
The Civil Rights Challenges Posed by Algorithmic Bias, Nebraska Diversity Summit, 2023.
A Lawyer’s Guide to Dealing with Automated Processes and AI, Nebraska State Bar Association, 2023.
The Civil Rights Challenges Posed by Algorithmic Bias, Iowa State Bar Association, 2022.
Legal Considerations of Algorithmic Decision Making, Nebraska State Bar Association, 2022.
Pitfalls of Using Algorithms in Hiring Decisions, Iowa State Bar Association 2022
They're Harvesting Your Information, a conversation about privacy, data science ethics, and how people can protect themselves, Pat & JT Podcast, 2022.
The Promises and Perils of Algorithmic Decision Making, Omaha West Rotary, 2022.
Reckoning with Robots: Understanding the Impacts of Algorithmic Decision Making, Suburban Rotary of Omaha, 2022.
The Billable Hour is Broken, Be That Lawyer Podcast with Steve Fretzin, March 2022.
LinkedIn, Networking, and Building a Personal Brand; University of Rhode Island, 2022.
Algorithmic Discrimination: How Algorithms Affect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts; Jacksonville State University, 2021.
Algorithmic Discrimination: How Algorithms Affect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts; University of Nevada-Reno, 2021.
The Human Lawyer Podcast with Kevin Pratt; discussing legal technology, data science ethics, and algorithmic bias, 2021.
Coded Bias: Film Screening and Discussion, Invited Panelist, Nebraska Educational Television (NET), March 2021.
Billable Hours, Legal Tech & Law School, Podcast, The GoodLawyer Show, March 2021.
Effective Negotiations: Patience, Persuasion, and a Positive Outcome, Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association, Self-Defense for County Officials Conference, October 2019.
Public Sector Hot Topics: What’s Here Now and on the Horizon, Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association, Self-Defense for County Officials Conference, October 2019.
The Psychology of Fraud: Understanding the Human Element, Eastern Nebraska Anti-Fraud Association, August 2019.
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion: Maximizing an Organization’s Potential, Board of Directors of Keep Omaha Beautiful, September 2018.
Fiduciary Duties for Nonprofit Directors and Officers; Best Practices for Building an Excellent Organization, Nebraska Society of Association Executives, March 2018.
Fiduciary Responsibilities for Nonprofit Directors and Officers: How to Do Good Without Getting in Trouble, Nebraska Rural Electric Association, November 2017.
Targeting Nebraskans for False Financial Gain, Omaha Southwest Kiwanis, June 2017.
Investigative Techniques, State of Nebraska, Auditor of Public Accounts, All Staff Training, April 2017.
Negotiating Your Way to a Happier Life, Developing Trends in Negotiation & Collaborative Practice, August 2015.
Conflict Resolution and Techniques, National Safety Council, Omaha Chapter, Safety and Health Summit, May 2009
Invited Academic Presentations
Using the Lens of Narrative Theory to Rethink Digital Ethics, with Dr. Aaron McKain, International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC) (October 2022).
Redefining Digital Literacy: Algorithms and You, with Dr. Aaron McKain, Ayin Morales-Monge, and Shea Sullivan, SXSW EDU, March 2022.
Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Forgive, Forget, and Re-Program Digital Dignity, with Dr. Aaron McKain, International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC) at DePaul University, October 2021.
Reckoning with Robots: The Constitutional Implications of Using Algorithms to Make Human Decisions, MALSB Master Teacher Competition, MBAA/MALSB Joint Annual Conference, Chicago, March 2021.
Racist Robots? A Visual Primer on Understanding Algorithmic Bias, (poster presentation), MALSB/MBAA Annual Conference, Chicago, March 2020.
Academic Presentations
Algorithmic Unreliability: Narrative Theory, Digital Ethics, and The Constitutionality of Employment AI with Dr. Aaron McKain, MALSB/MBAA Annual Conference, March 2022.
Let Them All Eat Cake: Rhetorically Mapping Religious Freedom, LGBTQIA Discrimination, and The First Amendment After Janus and Masterpiece, with Dr. Aaron McKain, MALSB/MBAA Annual Conference, Chicago, March 2021.
Rhetoric Versus the Robots II: The Ethics and Constitutionality of Algorithmic Unreliability, (paper only), presented by Dr. Aaron McKain, Narrative 2020 Conference, New Orleans, March 2020.
Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Navigate Legal, Corporate, and Community Debates on Digital Ethics, (paper only), presented by Dr. Aaron McKain, Law and Ethics of Big Data Research Colloquium, Washington and Lee School of Law, April 2019.
Janus and the Future of Collective Bargaining, Rhetorically Predicting a First Amendment Right to Negotiation, MALSB/MBAA Annual Conference, Chicago, March 2019.
Best Form of the Argument: How Debate in the Classroom Enriches the Classroom Experience and Enhances Students' Critical Thinking Skills, MALSB/MBAA Annual Conference, Chicago, March 2019.
Invited Academic Seminars and Colloquia
Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Forgive, Forget, and Re-Program Digital Dignity, with Dr. Aaron McKain, at the Data Law and AI Ethic Research Colloquium, co-hosted by the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences at Penn State; Monash Law and Monash Data Futures Institute at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia; Virginia Tech Pamplin College of Business; and Kelly School of Business, Indiana University - Bloomington, April 2022.
Collective Bargaining, Compelled Speech, and the Aftermath of Janus v. AFSCME, Federalist Society Faculty Division, October 23-24, 2020.
The Right to Speak, Bake, or Film…or Not…Which Activities are Protected Expression Under the First Amendment?, Huber Hurst Research Seminar in Business Law and Ethics at the University of Florida, January 2020.
Discussing AI Ethics at the Eighth Circuit NELA Conference